That's good news! When did you submit your CSE?I just called to see if a document I sent by CSE had been attached to my case. She says it was sent straight to the Ottawa office. I feel like this is more evidence that Ottawa is our office.
That's good news! When did you submit your CSE?I just called to see if a document I sent by CSE had been attached to my case. She says it was sent straight to the Ottawa office. I feel like this is more evidence that Ottawa is our office.
Congratulations!!!Hi All, I just got the golden mail. PPR is here.
AOR: Apr-6th
Meds Passed: 22-Jun
BG--> IP1: 22-Jun
BG--> NA: 13-Jul
BG-->IP2: 14-Jul
PPR: 19-Jul
Congratulations! What's your timeline?I got my PPR mail today !!
Woo-hoo!!!I got my ppr today too! Aor April 24.. ip1 and medical: June 29.. ip2(?): July 6.. ppr : July 21
Guys they are processing US cases exactly in aor order. They have processed up to April 24 today. By next week, they'll clear all pending cases for US April aor s for sure. You all could expect ppr s anytime in next 7 days for sure !
Congratulations! I got a "ghost update" on July 20 as well, and my dates for Meds passed and IP1/2 are exactly the same as yours... no PPR yet though.Breaking News! Got PPR !
Full disclosure I have an active tourist visa to Canada and have visited Canada last year.
Have lived in 3 countries and visited London as well.
My Timelines:
AOR: May 9th '17
Country of residence: USA
Citizen: India
Medicals: Jul 4th.
IP1 or IP2(not clear): Jul 7th
Ghost update: Jul 20th
Emailed Ottawa: Jul 20th
Response from Ottawa: Jul 21st Standard response that they are processing in timelines.
PPR: July 21st 5 Pm CT USA
July 7th. Apparently when documents are sent to and handled directly by Ottawa they don't send the confirmation email to let you know the document has been received and attached.That's good news! When did you submit your CSE?
Hopefully soon! I got it at 6 PM Friday.Congratulations! I got a "ghost update" on July 20 as well, and my dates for Meds passed and IP1/2 are exactly the same as yours... no PPR yet though.
July 7th. Apparently when documents are sent to and handled directly by Ottawa they don't send the confirmation email to let you know the document has been received and attached.
Thanks for the info! I hope the ghost update is indeed a true IP2 for me... but I was thinking it might have been from my CSE, I sent a document on July 13-- I hope that doesn't delay my application.I had a ghost update two or three days before ppr. I believe that was true ip2 day for me. The one before was triggered by sending email to Ottawa office. Something triggers it when one emails. I for sure know the one that I had on July 6 was not true ip2 because when I called on July 13, the agent told me that my eligibility was still pending. In the true ip2 that people are talking about, everything would be done when status changes to background in progress.