Be realistic, there’s no reason for them to start processing applicants Q1 of 2020 now that we’re past any standards. I gave up on the matter, and leaving the country in a couple of weeks. With the way things are going, I don’t see any improvements until things are back to normal. That’ll happen when practically everyone is vaccinated which won’t happen until Q4-2021 or Q1-2022 as Canada is quite slow when it comes to that compared to the neighbors down south. So, better brace yourself and take it easy or change the situation. In my situation, this PR fiasco made me feel like a victim, and that is something I wouldn’t wish upon anybody. So, I decided to be stoic about it and change what can be changed. IRCC and Canadian governments are outside of our control. Good news is that we can go to other places in the world. Canada is not ultima thule. My two cents.