Hey. I was wondering if this thread could become active again for all of our's, Inland FSW applicant's sanity sake.
Here are my common law partners's and mine data.
FSW program - Inland
Primary + dependant
CRS: 462 (round minimum 441)
AoR: Sep. 25, 2018
Medical: Oct. 23, 2018
Estimated final: Mar. 23, 2019 (of course), 52 days to go
No biometrics request. No additional doc.
No ghost updates, no additional emails.
Current status:
Review of eligibility: Reviewing,
Medical: Passed,
BG: Processing BC check,
FD: App in progress.
We are planning on calling the customer phone-line sometimes mid February.
Have no info on where the app is being processed.
Will keep the info up to date.
I feel quite anxious when scrolling through all those updates regarding different/other programs and classes (though reading about other people's processes being finalized gives me hope), so I thought if I had only one thread that specifically concerns my kind of cases, I might just not go loony after all.

Till some news come along our way, good luck.