tamsam21 said:
CHC visited your office today..? What type of question they asked..?
That means field visit started again after Jan 2015...
Actually my scenario is complex. I own 1/3 of my Company and full time involve in development. so I am a Owner as well as Worker.
They did a rush visit. They entered rashly without knocking and gave their identification and asked whether they know me by showing my photo. My colleagues told them yes they know, then asked what is my designation. they request open our payroll system and generate PaySlip for Jun 2014. My HR generate the slip with Designation "Director & System Analyst"

. Then asked where I sit, they go to my room. After seeing Laptop adapter, they asked whether I use it for laptop or not.

Then they request for my visiting card. My assistant was looking for my card, but in the mean time they see a card box on my Left Cabinate and told to my employee, card might be on this box. In the box, they found my card.

Next they told whether I come everyday or not. My colleagues informed them I work at night for foreign project, so I come late in office.
finally they asked how many employees work here.
After that, they phoned me and asked me what is my designation. I answered that I was System Analyst and after Aug 2014 I am system Architect.
They informed me that my Payslip designation is not matching. Actually the difference was, "System Analyst" vs "Director & System Analyst". As a company owner I have to play a roll as Director which is managerial or honorary post. But my actual job is System Analyst. So for public events I have to carry both designation.
The fight between "System Analyst" and "Director & System Analyst" is making me worried.
By the way, 2 persons visited my office. One is Canadian and one is Bangladeshi. All the activities done by the Canadian. Bangladeshi person had no involvement. They stayed around 5 minutes in my office.
Please pray for me.