Dear all fellow members,
I read up through this topic and I'm as well Nov-2014 applicant, but not so successful as I see. Please, can you read up my status and advise on my questions, thank you.
04-Nov-2014: Full FSWP package was sent to CIC office and delivered on 4th November 2014 by Dave.
20-Jan-2015: Writing email to CIO-Sydney-Search-Enquiry @ to know the status, since no communication so far (according instructions after 10 weeks if no notification so far).
21-Mar-2015: Got answer from CIO “Please be sure to include your full name as per passport, your date of birth and your UCI (if known) with all enquiries.”. Sending reply same day back with all details required.
20-Apr-2015: Got email from CIO with topic “Undeliverable – updated address required”, asking to provide updated postal address (yes unfortunately we moved from one apartment to another without notifying CIC). The original text of this email is:
“Dear Sir/Madam:
This refers to the application for permanent residence in Canada that you recently submitted to the Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Regulation 12 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations states that if certain requirements are not met, the application and all documents submitted in support of the application will be returned to the applicant. A review of your application has indicated that your submission has failed to meet these requirements. We have attempted to return your application package to you, however the package has been returned to us as undeliverable.
Please provide an updated, valid mailing address by email or to the mailing address so that your application can be returned along with all supporting documentation:
CIO-Sydney-Search-Enquiry @
If sending your updated address to this email mentioned above, please include “Undeliverable – updated address” in your subject heading.
or by mail to:
Mailing Address
Attention: Registry
Undeliverable – updated address
P.O. Box 8400
Sydney, NS B1P 0G6
If you are from Qatar, Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates, please provide a P.O. BOX.
When an updated address is received, your complete application will be returned to you with instructions for completing your application.
Thank you for your interest in Canada.”
I hope, that after taking back package, I can fix issues and send package back on old FSWP-2014 conditions.
21-Apr-2015: Sending updated address according to instructions. With additional questions inside email, asking about why I can't see my UCI status on CAS (“no information available”), may I complete package and send back, may I know what is missing in package to prepare in advance, and what is next processing timing.
21-Apr-2015: Writing to MOSCOIMMIGRATION @ to know the status of my package using given UCI number, answer is: “We have no record of any application open in your name. Please contact CIO-Sydney for more information.”
28-Apr-2015: Sending additional email to CIC, asking for tracking code of the mail package, which should be sent back to me on updated postal address.
01-Jun-2015: Still didn't received a package back from CIC and no email answers back.
1. What you can suggest in here?
2. Do I need to write additional email to CIO asking status of sending back the package?
3. Do I need to call CIC Call Center, to know the status of just confirm UCI number?
4. Any luck with me, since I'm Nov-2014 with NOC 2172, it's already 7 months passed from applied time.
5. Any suggestions and comments are welcome.
6. My Credit card recently was changed due to hacker attack and bank recommendations, the ideal solution will be – filling up the full new package and sending back to CIO?
Thank you kindly all!
With a huge hope

PS: anyone in similar situation as me? Cause I think I'm only one, who is 7 months away and with this status of package.