Reposting again --------------------------friends
The below names are for members of NOC 2132 of October application
Let's join NOC 2132 whatapp 00966535304092 for follow-ups
1. mechanics1598
2. justg20
3. canada2k14
4. ahmadjavedsh
5. Alirezasany
6. Opindersinghbuttar
7. Gkriss
9. Gego2
10. Abhinavinc
11. andy6835
12. RPH
13. Drkosamia
14. pinkesh88
15. Mostafa
16. Shadymamdouh
In one day 12 members has been added, and are sharing resent activities related to our NOC 2132, requesting again to send me invitations @ 00966535304092 with name, timeline , and country of residence please
Now the group is with 36 members.