Hello All
Good Day
Seniors Members in this Forum, Quick Advise, Please.
My Application most probably would reach CIC - NS Office in the first week of December '14.
I am applying under NOC - 2171. Understood nobody can provide the exact figure for the Cap and when it gets filled, but based on Your expertise and discussion with the other key members in the forum can definitely provide me some lights, I believe.
WES Assessment - Done
Spouse IELTS Exam Scheduled for 22nd Nov '14.
Expertise - Subject Matter Expert - Windows & VMware.
Applicant from INDIA
Just Newbie

- Rough Estimation
Current CIC Portal Status for NOC 2171 - 348 + 25% = 435, as of 07th Nov '14 ( Please correct me if I am wrong )
is there any possibilities for my Application to fit in this Year's Cap for 2171, else any other Codes that I can apply for ?
I would be grateful if You could provide me some Advise on this, Please
Thanks in Advance