Wow!!! I am so excited!!! ;D


I am so pleased to share the wonderful news that besides the SLU that I posted about just a bit earlier I just received the email advising me to get the medicals done for me my spouse and kids! (MR) It said that the instructions would come in another email within 48 hours but they immediately came right after one for me and each member of my family.
In the same email was the request for Payment of Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF)!
It also requested PCC for my spouse as only mine was submitted with the application.
The email went on to say:
"Please send the documentation requested above as soon as possible. If we do not receive all the documents requested or the explanation within 60 days from the date of this letter, we shall assume that you are no longer interested in pursuing your application and your application will be refused and your file closed."
I wonder why some people are given 90 days and some 60. Who knows?
So while this does give 60 days I'm hoping that the "or the explanation" would allow for an explanation that the FBI is taking forever to get back my wife's PCC in the event that it doesn't get back to me in time. It has only been 8 weeks and it takes 12-14 weeks. That should be enough time but I'm so nervous about it. This is the 3rd attempt to get it for her because she has fingerprints that are very thin and hard to record. The first two attempts failed and were done in the standard method with ink. The last attempt was done via "LiveScan" electronic fingerprinting so I am hopeful that this time it will be sufficient for them to process.
Anyways...For those interested it listed my Program Assistant as: DA20220
Woo Hoo!!!!! ;D

