MrBank said:
Hey cheer up . not all bad news . I am sure your case will be different from mine . Still deciding what to do . Filled out an express entry profile yesterday .. score is 456 .. cutoff score for March and April was 453 . So I guess I might still get a shot at this with Express entry if my appeal fails . Not even sure I want to do the appeal process cos Immigration lawyers come at a cost . Just taking it in stride . live to fight another day.
Mr. Bank,
According to the article below there have been errors occurring. Now it seems that was a different VO than the Ottawa-CPC, but still…error can occur and it may be worth it to try to appeal. Ultimately it is your decision, but if I were in your situation and I know I have the experience and that is the “reason for rejection” of your application, I would definitely appeal. As another mentioned, if you passed PER that means they must have calculated your points already. Now I know that in the continuing review they probably do a more thorough review of your file but if you truly have the experience necessary to meet the qualification points, I’d appeal.
Now, I don’t want to be negative or anything because as you can see in the statistics at the bottom of the linked page below, some draws have been as low as 453 (March 27 and April 17 draws), but the latest draw was of candidates with 755 or more points. There was also a longer gap of time between the previous draw and the most recent one. Hopefully this isn’t a trend towards higher and higher requirements. That said, you might not want to abandon your application under the old system just yet.
Best wishes for whatever you decide to do…and best of luck!!!