Thanks !! 
MM100 said:Hi Guys,
Just wanted to send up update here...
I sent my application to FSW 2174 May 4th 2014 and got Immigrant Visa in October 2014.
I landed in Toronto, Canada Jan 17th 2015.
I attended JobSearchWorkshop with Welcome to Canada Services.
I applied the skills I learnt on Resume writing and interview preparation.
I got a job offer in March 2015 relevant to my skills and I accepted.
My advice to you:
- Research online Canadian employers...research hiring months...before coming to Canada so can time your trip perfectly
- Research jobs before coming here to see what programs or skills you need to get to be at same level as Canadians
- Ensure you are proficient in English and/or French
- Learn to adapt when you get here
- Do not expect things to be the same as back home
- Find the Welcome to Canada service close to you and register for Job Search Workshop
- Go classes and do the homework religiously
- Apply what you learnt to job searching, resumes, interviews
And you will get a job.
Even if you do not get a job exactly as your job title you wanted...try to get work in your field even if its not the same...
So that the Canadian Experience counts.. for your next job.
it is possible. there are good and bad stories you will hear.
But really your future is in your hands.
What you put in is what you will get out.
I just wanted to share my experience here, because when I was waiting on CIC for results, I wanted to heard people's stories who already migrated and see what it was like for them.
I hope others can benefit from this.