My fellow forum members with blessings from Almighty the supreme power, parents and well wishers I am glad to announce that journey which started on 4th July 2013 as come to its logical and successful end.
I have received my VISA and COPR on 10th June 2014. ( My Birthday

The journey which was full of many ups and downs and which had unprecedented anxiety and come to end with action packed climax.
My NDVO Visit Experience:
With mounting pressure in my company to undertake long term work assignment in Europe I had no options but to personally visit NDVO on 10th June (It's my Birthday BTW). Flew to Delhi on Monday night from Mumbai..Spent overnight at airport chairs..
Then by an expensive auto to Canada embassy. Met few more applicants who had come there for various reasons.
I explained my situation to security guard ( very polite at least for me) and she handed over form ,which I filled..Now waiting starts. After few anxious minutes my name was called at window and asked about my request. I was armed with all office emails stating to submit my passport along with work permit,accommodation,travel insurance etc.
The lady looked at all documents and asked few questions on my plans if I happen to get visa on urgent basis. It was very tense moments as she was typing all my comment in her computer against my file. Then she asked me to wait for Visa officer reply.
Again waiting started and at 11.30 am I was called again at window and was told to come at 3.30pm to collect passport. Though I asked if it will be returned with or w/o stamp, she chose not to answer (with small smile on her face).
I was very very tired with no sleep, no food and Delhi heat. Took a economy accommodation and slept for few hours, had some food.
Then by 3.30 I was back to embassy. No other applicants were present there. I went to window and that lady asked me to come inside. Got much tensed.
Saw those hallowed doors of embassy for the first time ...went gentleman (probably my visa officer) was standing there with pocker face and opened the envelope and whoa !!!! Told me that I have been granted visa..Showed me mine and my spouse passport,COPR letter and originals. I always thought that the day this happens I might cry or fall on my knees..but that moment just froze..before even I could gather my emotions the visa officer was gone ( I was at least expecting a congratulation form him, but I just got pocker face)...I straight away turned and left the hallowed room ( the chamber of secrets ) and did not look behind...collected my bag. Mobile..Thanked the security person and that lady..And took a deep auto to airport and then at airport for the first time I saw..Still while sharing those moments I still can't believe that it all happened..Happened so fast I could not gather things..Maybe I was expecting some melodrama when the visa officer handed me the envelope...
Anyways I am back in office now and on preparation for long term Europe trip...
Tips for visiting NDVO.
• Come early. By 8am.
• Bring all documents which supports your query
• Talk to everyone including security very very politely.
• People at embassy are very understanding and try to think form their perspective .This will give you/prepare you from answering there questions.( at window)
• Last but not the least.PRAY PRAY PRAY.Things happens.Don't question how it will happen.
All the best to all waiting for MR ,DM...God bless all.