If things were this simple....they are not.
Taking your parents along is what a good child of theirs would want. However, with Indian parents it's a very difficult decision. Unlike western countries, people here have relationships with their neighbours/friends. It's very difficult for them to be uprooted just for the sake of their child's future and start living in a completely foreign environment where they will hardly get to talk to a living soul (remember that most parents would not be able to speak good english in order to be comfortable, exceptions will be there). We can do it since we have got accustomed to the digital age. But people like our parents are not fond of digital gadgets or new hobbies (surfing internet, youtube, etc.). They want real people to talk to and relate in order to express their feelings. Few parents may very well agree to their children's wishes and go settle abroad with them, but I can strongly vouch that they will never feel at home over there. This in turn may lead to depression.
In the coming months I am also going to be personally torn with this decision, but I would not want to be selfish and force my parents to go with me. Agreed, I am their support system and things would be difficult without me and my wife and above all, my about to be a year old daugther

. But I would not want them to be completely alienated on foreign soil, just for my mental satisfaction. That, in my opinion would be highly selfish on my part. It's another matter for the parents to visit you for 4-5 months during summers (Canadian winters would be extremely harsh for them) than to completely shift with you. Needless to say, this is not going to be an easy decision to make.
Just my 2 paisa.
idefix said:
The easy way out is simple: take your parents with you
Is your wife as torn as you are?