Hi everybody,
I received my update email on october 31 but they asked me police sertificate and paying RPRF! Local visa office didn't ask me to send my CV or my spouse's CV !!!
Dose anybody have an idea in this case? Or Does anybody have same experience as me? I don't know what should I d? Please help me... Do u think It would be good if I ask them about it ?
Dear Applicant:
The documents and/or information marked with ☐ an on the following pages are required to complete your application for permanent residence in Canada.
Please send them to us, with a copy of this letter, by email to paris-immigration@international.gc.ca. If you are unable to submit all the requested documents, you should indicate the reasons of the delay, the procedures that you had undergone and the expected delay to provide the needed documents.
Documents may not be submitted in person to the Embassy.
We will update your file but not acknowledge receipt of the documents. We will contact you when it is necessary.
Please note that all communication with our section must be in English or French, Canada’s two official languages. If you provide any document in another language other than English or French, it should be translated.
Please note that if we do not receive these documents and/or information within 60 days your application will be examined on the basis of the material available. This could result in the refusal of your application.
□ original of police certificate(s) issued within the last three months by the authorities of the following country for:
principal applicant - country : IRAN
spouse - country : IRAN
For information on how to obtain a police certificate, please consult
Dear Applicant,
Dear Applicant,
This is to remind you that the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) must be paid to our office in Paris before a permanent resident visa can be issued.
The amount required is CAD $490 for the principal applicant as well as for his or her accompanying spouse or common-law partner (maximum of 980$).
The RPRF is refundable if the application is refused, if you withdraw your application or if you choose not to use your visa. The fee is refunded without interest and at the rate of exchange at the time of reimbursement.
If you delay in the payment of the RPRF, your security or medical results may no longer be valid. We therefore encourage you to pay the RPRF as soon as possible.
Please refer to the following information on how to pay the fee:
Online Payment
Please consult the following website: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/result.asp?lob=proc&cat=Permanent+Residence
Proof of payment (receipt issued online) must be sent to our office (preferably by email). Please keep a copy for your own files before sending the receipt.
By bank transfer (in Euros), to the following account:
Transfer to: Immigration Section – Embassy of Canada, Paris, France
Bank: BRED Banque Populaire 66 Ave des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris
For transfers from within France:
RIB: Bank (10107); branch (00138); account (00623006604); key (72)
For transfers from a country other than France :
IBAN (International Bank Account Number): FR76 1010 7001 3800 6230 0660 472
BIC code (Swift): BREDFRPP
Please consult the fee schedule for the amount to be paid in Euros: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/france/visas/fees-frais.aspx?lang=eng&view=d
The family name, given name(s) and date of birth of the principal applicant (the person applying for a visa) must be provided with the transfer.
Please ensure that all transfer fees have been paid and that they will not be deducted from the amount payable to the Embassy.
Proof of payment (receipt issued by the bank) must be sent to our office (preferably by email). The receipt must be legible and must show the date of the transfer. Please keep a copy for your own files before sending the receipt.
By bank draft or certified cheque (in Canadian dollars) drawn on a Canadian bank and made out to the Embassy of Canada.
Cheques issued in Canadian dollars by a bank located outside of Canada must clearly indicate the bank correspondent’s complete address and account number in Canada, this being the establishment through which the cheque may be cashed in Canada.