@ Oscar7
R u sure it says "checking" not "complete" or "processing" and who knows better than u tht completeness is when fee is charged, as very few are rejected after fee charged, we can ignore that for all practical purposes. And processing is after PER (reference first line of ECAS).
************* UPDATE********************
Excerpt from MI12 (not the Britsh its Canadian, which stands for Ministerial Instructions # 12) http://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2014/2014-04-26/html/notice-avis-eng.php
Cap on the number of applications to be processed
A maximum of 25 500 new complete applications submitted for the Federal Skilled Worker Class, without an offer of arranged employment, will be
considered for processing for the period of May 1, 2014, to April 30, 2015. The maximum of 25 500 new
complete applications is allocated as follows:
1. A maximum of
25 000 applications will be considered for processing under an occupation list stream. Within the 25 000 cap, a maximum of 1 000 applications submitted for each eligible occupation set out below will be considered for processing; and
................blah blah blah..............
In calculating the caps, applications will be considered in order of the date they are received. Applications received on the same date will be considered for processing having regard to routine office procedures.
Instructions for processing Federal Skilled Worker Class applications
In order to be included under the caps and considered for processing, applications must be completed according to the application kit requirements in place at the time the application is received by the designated office and must meet the criteria set out below.
Oscar7 said:
Hi, It is more sensible to apply in 1123 and arrange reference letter even on A4 paper there from former senior / supervisor or even a colleague as a last resort. 2171 is on the edge if you have not already sent the file, as it seems!!!
Plus provide a few supporting evidences as well.
One thing that I read on CIC's site is it is not 1000 successful cases for each NOC but merely their checking of 1000 cases, which includes rejected ones too!!!