jdn said:
Dear Seniors ,
I am planning for applying as under 0911 , Please let me know the following details
1, IELTS score for me - L 7.0 , R 6.5 , W 6.0 , S 7 - Overall Band Score - 6.5 ; How points will i get ?
2, Which Province / Territory has more chance for category 0911 , which link i have to check before selecting the Region ?
3, Is Masters Degree needed for post as Manufacturing Manager 0911,
4, What are the main factors for selection of Region / Province ?
5, I have completed 35 years of age and have 7 years and 3 months experience in this same field . will that be enough for applying in NOC 0911.
6. any alternative for experience certificate since I cannot get the same from present employer for my last 7 years job due to various reasons .
6. Should we provide supporting document if we are member of any Volunteering organisation since i have visited Africa for an event and it need to be specified on by travel details.
Regards and Thanks in Advance
Longggggggg Queryyyyyyy...
1. IELTS : 4+5+4+6=19
2. U can select any region now(except quebeck)..then u can research more for job prospective area of 0911
3. No...
5. Min requirement is required 1 yr..so u are ok if u have 67 points..

6. Yes it has...Please check below:
"Reference letters in the required format are necessary, please try your best to get them. If after all efforts you are unable to obtain a work reference letter, then you should provide a solemn declaration / affidavit explaining in detail why are you unable to do so. The officers at the VO are aware of the fact that different employers have different policies towards issuing such adhoc letters and may not cooperate in issuing such a letter. Please do attach all your employment records with the declaration. I was unable to obtain a work reference letter from one of my employers and did the same. However please bear in mind that the final decision rests with the visa officer handling your case."
Sample Affidavit
I the undersigned, (principal applicant), residing at ___________________________________, hereby solemnly affirm that from (date) until (date) I was employed by (company name) as (job title).
I worked (number) hours per week and was paid (salary) (weekly, monthly, yearly).
My main duties consisted of (main duties).
Main Duty 1
Main Duty 2
Main Duty 3
Main Duty 4
and so on and so forth.
I am unable to obtain a letter with the job description from my employer because the HR department doesn't provide any such letter with the job duties mentioned on it. The only thing they provide with is an experience letter with the designation and the tenure of the employment mentioned on it, that too at the time of relieving. I have that letter and I shall enclose the notarized copy of the same.
Signature principal applicant
7. No
Good luck..