SMARTZ said:
Very Urgent Query a friend of mine lost her passport while returning from the medical...some one pick pocketed on her

Now what can she do :-\
how much time will the issue for duplicate copy take...should she inform the NDVO about this ?? :-X
Please suggest...
What is the procedure if the passport is lost?
Ans : A complaint should be lodged in the concerned local police station and thereafter, an application for a new passport should be submitted.
How many days are required for police verification?
Ans : The verification procedure takes about 3 weeks from the receipt of the application.
What are the documents required to apply for a passport ?
Ans : Attach two copies of the following documents:
1. Applicant's Ration Card or any of the following documents.
a) Telephone Bill.
b) Electricity Bill.
c) Bank Account Passbook.
d) Election Card.
e) Letter from the Society on letterhead.
f) NOC from the department if applicant is a Government servant.
2. Proof of date of birth : School leaving certificate / Birth certificate.
3. Citizenship documents (If applicant is citizen of India by registration or naturalization).
4. If the applicant does not reside on the present address for the last one year, an additional set of personal particulars form for each additional place of residence is required.
5. Colour Photographs (frontal view).
6. Two photographs are required for verification at the local police station.