Thanks Gur for your input. It helpsGUR2010 said:Hello Riya,
Sorry to intervene but u can simply cancel this appointment online and walk in at the PSK with the same ARN.
I also did the same as I had already paid the fee and system automatically gave an appointment.
But later I came to know that appointment can b cancelled and you will be accepted as a walkin applicant for PCC.
engmSalem said:Thanks for your replay
The 1st application is 21 st but DD so i think i may withdraw it
Please advise
Eienkei said:Hello all,
As I mentioned, today I received request for RPRF, also they have asked me for updated C.V. and my activities since the application submission.
Aren't they supposed to ask for RPRF after Medical Request?
What should I mention in my activities? Is it work related or financially & other things too? Is there a template for that?
Here's the email that I have received...
RV23 said:Hi.. I have sent my file to CIO on 27th September.When can I expect to get the file no. ? Actually I have committed 2 mistakes
1) of mentioning 29-01-2012 instead of 29-03-2012 in the work experience section., although I have submitted the offer letter , reference letters etc which has the correct date.
2) in the addresses column, I forgot to mention a previous address which i found out is mentioned in my ITR of previous year,although current address is perfectly matching with that mentioned in the passport.
Is there a way out to correct these typos? should I send that page again or what ? and if yes then how?Somebody please help.
Actually, now I realized that probably you have two mistakes. First is as I mentioned in my previous comment - you should prepare 3 individual reference letters and the second is that maybe you choose wrong NOC. From your positions I suggest you to try in 2147. There are several positions corresponding to yours. So if I were you now I would send 2 apps - 2147 and 2281. However I think that you'll have more chances with 2147.hmrizwan said:adding additional details:
u can find rejection letter at
following experience letter was submitted with the application:
pl give ur suggestions on the matter..
Eienkei said:Hello all,
As I mentioned, today I received request for RPRF, also they have asked me for updated C.V. and my activities since the application submission.
Aren't they supposed to ask for RPRF after Medical Request?
What should I mention in my activities? Is it work related or financially & other things too? Is there a template for that?
Here's the email that I have received...
Dear yesterday a member write on forum whose application had reached early July under 2174 that Cio have claimed cap on NOC and so he is applying in other NOC check urs eligibility!SKumarIND said:Hi,
Can anybody tell , has CIC completed completeness check of all August Application.
When will 2174 get capped, with August/September applicant?