Dear Friends,
With God's Grace and good wishes of forum members , Payment got charged from my Citi bank Credit Card Just now @ 5.20 pm(IST). I was expecting this charge any time since morning, I was very positive since morning, just 2 hours before, i was watching toronto's time, it was 6 am, i told my friends that person who will debit my card has woken up and i was imagining the scene also. half an hour before i told my friend that he is getting ready for office. but i was wrong, he reached office early today and debit my fees.

. I am so happy, Ist Level Achieved.I will update SS after my post. Thanks all for keeping the the forum full of positivity. May God Bless all.
My Details are
App Sent 11-07-2014
App Reached- 15-07-2014,
Payment Mode- Credit Card
Category - 0121.