Nobody knows. Keep the FAITH. ;DKDY2KIN said:Do 12th may applicants still have chance of CC charged or date is history now.
wait for a week.... If ur cc is not charged then send a mail to cicKDY2KIN said:Do 12th may applicants still have chance of CC charged or date is history now.
at least they should show according to the application which were sent first and laying with CIO for which payment is not charged yet....FutureImmi said:Can somebody please change back the spreadsheet to it's original format? Its a real pain looking at it this way
future_canadian said:I hope they will agree with you too but I'm not optimistic.
The CIC reviewer may not even know what a securities sub-broker is. It's hard to believe because you are one, but there are many people who don't have a clue what that is. The rule of thumb is to never assume CIC understands abbreviations, technical jargon, or specialized aspects of a field. Assume they know ONLY what is in the NOC description, which anyway is the controlling document for job duties matching.
"securities broker" this what they have mentioned in the NOC job description..
Also, just because you are qualified or licensed to do something, doesn't mean that you did it for your employer. What CIC wants, and what every other successful applicant has provided, is a list of job duties that substantially matches the job duties listed in their NOC.
along with licence i have supplied them the reference letter from the company that i am still working with them
also at worst i believe if they return my application it will waste 30-40 days only becoz i have everything to make them believe that i am working as securities sub-broker......
what you think sir
You don't really have to send PCC as of now. Your visa office will ask you for it once you receive your PER. So don't worry.!shaarav said:My app reached CIC on 18th june, was without PCC. I have PCC now and want to send it now. can I do that...anybody who has send something additional later and that was considered?? i do not have UCI...
2132_mech_engr said:seniors plz reply...
cic sent my app on 12th aug.. so m very sure it will tak 2 months or more to reach me.. as i hav applied under FSW2013 also and received my app after 2.5 months coz cap has reached.. if i get my app in oct, den i guess it would be a wise decision to apply in 2015 express system as no one can guess wen the cap wud be filled.. and i dnt want to get my app back again.. coz applyin again in nov/dec is too risky.. meanwhile i ll b busy wid my xamz in nov. and dis time i want to do all the R&D by myself rather den my consultant..
so i just need a bit of advice from seniors here.. wot do u say.. 2015 is not a bad option..even dey are promising to complete widin 6 months..major diff is dt dey will judge as per the skills not the FIFO basis.. plz guide wot shud i do..