Hello Friends,
I was a 9th may applicant in NOC 2174 and my file has been refused by CIC and they have mentioned the blow reason/reasons for that, which were highlighted in bold in the returned application:
As you application does not meet the requirement of Regulation(10) of IRPA, it is incomplete. It is being returned to you for this reason
Important information: Changes to eligibility in the FSW program
Note: Work Experience
"at least one year of fulltime work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work"
"Your letter of employment must clearly give evidence showing that you have performed the actions described in the lead statement and that you have performed a substantial number of main duties, including all the essential duties"
Can anybody explain me if reason for refusal is that: i had not mentioned that i am working full time? or even my performed duties are not correct?
Please help me on this regard so that i can resend my application with the necessary changes. feeling sad currently

if anybody wishes i can post my main duties as well!