Hi All,
We completed our medicals on Friday Mar 20th at KIMS.
We took an appointment for 10:00 A.M a week back.
On the day of our medicals we reached the hospital by 9:30 A.M and proceeded to the Visa Medicals section. We were given a token number and asked to wait, There were a lot of people for medicals as this hospital is the only authorized hospital in Kerala to do medicals for Canada, Australia, US and UK. After waitiing for 30 mins we were called inside and our height and weight was taken, after this both my wife and me were asked to do vision test.
After the vision test we were asked to give urine and blood . I was asked to give urine again as the first test confirmed traces of sugar. in the meanwhile the doctor examined both us took our BP, pulse and checked our heart rate. he said everything is fine. The second test also confirmed traces of sugar and i had to give blood to do a kreatine test.
After 20 mins of meeting the doctor we were taken downstairs and asked to wait by the radiology dept for our chest x-rays, After waiting for about an hour we were called for chest x-ray, the x-rays were taken and we were asked to wait to meet the doctor. After 15 mins the doctor confirmed that the x-rays were good and there were no issues found.
We went back to the laboratory and asked if our blood test was ready. they said the kreatine test is ready but the Elisa test will take 4 hours. they were kind enough to give us the printout of the blood test and thank god the kreatine levels were well within the range lmit.( i hope this would be fine with the NDVO and CIC doctors also).We had lunch and by that time they gave us the blood test reports also which were clean and the staff said that they would upload the results either by the Friday night or Saturday morning.
So by gods grace we finished the medicals and the hospital has cleared us now waiting for 3rd line.