Did my medicals yesterday @ APOLLO, Ahmedabad
Reached: 9.45am
Filled up some form & verified my doc: 10am
Did my Height & weight
Rohit & Dhawan were playing well inbtw
In mean time cleared level 301 of candy crush soda
Gave samples of urine & blood
Waited for my turn for X ray while rohit began to cut-loose after his 50
Cleared level 305
Removed my shirt... X ray done
Raina by now was hitting some lusty blows
While I as on still on level 305
Was asked to see Doctor
He asked me about my profession mostly
Then about any previous surgery, serious illness, tattoo...I just kept shaking my head

in denial
Measured my B.P. 130/90
Time 11.45am
Was asked to wait till 1.30pm for eye check up

Kept playing level 305
Ate. India crossed 300
Eye check up began at 2pm
Every one inside one room.
I could memorize all the 3 lines till my turn came
Read with both eyes open. Then with one eye close. 6/6 for both ;D
Collected my medical receipt.
2.15 pm all done
Still playing level 305

Waiting for 3rd line...no no...waiting for new lives...Need to clear 305...Will update the SS when i cross 305 ;D