Hey everybody,
My 3rd line just got updated this morning! Medical Results have been received! My timeline is on the left and the SS is already updated.
I would like to thank everybody for the support, especially manish baissoya and Diplomatru that heard my whining over some Personal Messages.
Just to share the complete story: I've done something stupid on the Medical Form. I've mentioned a couple of Over The Counter medicines my wife takes, that are really harmless (for allergy and for stomach-aches).
Boy, was that a mistake. The panel physician spent a lot of time asking questions about those medicines, and he only submitted our Application after we got a note from our General Practitioner explaining why my wife takes those drugs.
But in the end, everything turned out ok and I'm happy we mentioned everything so there is not a single lie or omission on our file.
Finally, I would like to congratulate everybody from NDVO for the PPR storm this week! You guys really deserve it!