Hi everyone,
I've finally landed yesterday at Vancouver airport!

I guess I'm lucky that there were no queues at all: not a single immigrant in the hall for new immigrants, just the officers.
My flight arrived at 2:40pm and I've left the airport building at 3:50pm. I think the longest procedure was to wait for my luggage
The first officer I've met asked only if I have been to any Ebola-affected countries recently or had contact with Ebola patients. The officer at the new immigrants section asked the formal questions about my marital status, my height, if I had any criminal convictions, if I have any dependants and if I've ever been to Canada before. He also prepared a currency declaration form and stamped my B4 forms that list the goods I'm bringing. He actually was surprised to see that I had the B4 forms ready

Another person there gave me a book and some booklets for new immigrants, asked for my email to send some additional links and explained the further steps I need to take.
Overall, it was a nice experience.
One more thing: after I've got my visa and before the landing, I had a possibly material change to my medical status. Nothing really serious, but it requires additional medical attention in future. Just 1 week before the landing I've learned that
according to the law, immigrants have to notify CIC if this happens before landing, even though visa office does not warn about it. It's probably kind of a gray area, but it can be grounds for misrepresentation charges if CIC is not notified before landing, and I didn't want to risk.
Officers in Kyiv office were really kind and helpful to arrange their communication with a medical office in time, to clarify if I have to cancel my trip and do further investigations or if I can land. In my case it turned out to be a minor thing and they told me I can land
This probably concludes my status updates,
I wish good luck to you all!