Dear All,
Today makes it a whole year since our voyage towards Canada started.
Two months and seventeen days after we took off, we got to a bridge called "Positive Determination of Eligibility" aka PER, we thank God we got to the bridge before close of business and we successfully crossed it.
There-after, we drove through the snow cap mountains for six months and nineteen days, it was not an easy journey, even in the snow we experienced sunlight and rain showers but finally we arrived at a medical facility were we got tested for all sorts of diseases. (Ebolaooo, TBooo, Malariaoooo, HIVoooo, Pregnancyooooo, just name it..........) Thank God we all came out clean!!!
We made our farewells to the facility staff and continued on the journey towards the capital city of Ottawa, a land flowing with "milk and honey". Its been two months and seventeen days since we left the medical facility and from where we are standing now, we can see the bright lights overlooking the city of Ottawa, any moment from now we shall be arriving at the city gate.