Congratulations to you our spreadsheet master, tbaba. May you be favored in your new land. We are expecting your landing gist before May ending!
To other members of the house, the price we pay for keeping silent on issues related to our applications with AVO is bogus.
I was in same shoes as the member whose wife would be putting to bed soon but, I was smart and obedient enough to update AVO on the month my wife is due for delivery. They were even asking me to know if baby is going to be delivered in Nigeria and I shouted NO OOOOOO!
Then, they hastened up with the processing of our visas and COPR thus,not making me to vie for the position of Chairmanship of COPA

In all honesty and truth, just update AVO should your situation changes and they will decide as appropriate. I bombarded AVO with so many updates as, marriage, pregnancy, etc. and to every package I send to them, goes with a detailed and well composed/scrutinized cover letter.
Simplebabs landed here in Mid March and the wife is due for this month. Isn't that smart of him?
Be smart, active, and ask questions when in doubt. That has been my Tesla (new car to come without gas) since I landed here.
I wish us all the best.