It's unfortunate that persons who know less than what they think they feel they know have decided to hide under the guise of 'airing opinion' to spew a lot of rubbish. However, they are free to have their opinion, it's a free forum. But I will not shy away from correcting them especially when they feel they are not lazy but are the most hard working applicants for sending for GCMS every 3 months.
I'd like to make a point of correction though where some are thinking I was the 'luckiest individual' and as such, did not need CSE or GCMS. I was not lucky, rather I was prepared and favored by the Almighty. It's unfortunate that others who claim they will make it 'insha Allah' are still talking about luck. And thinking that GCMS automatically brings PR. That's silly thinking.
The CSE and GCMS are good instruments and serve their purposes but should not be shoved down our throats. Many here will attest that I have privately advised them to use CSEs where applicable and not as a tablet for every ailment. Likewise, the use of GCMS so nobody should push you to request for it every three months to prove you are 'not lazy' in following up with your application. By all means, use it when situation calls for it. Don't however get scared unduly, knowledge is profitable when applied intelligently.
Once more, I encourage everyone at various stages in the application process to stay strong and focused. You need not panic, every good thing in your life will prosper and abide. Not because you 'pushed' CSE and GCMS every 3 or 4 weeks to 4 months but because the Good Lord wills it so. Looking forward to your updates soon guys, cheers