Hi Adrenaline sorry for delay from myside .
Happy New Year to All.
yes i got the invoice with details of test done under immigration category.
I also had to enter the details in the forms they have printed in the similar way as you have mentioned.
I double checked with the center and they asked to submit the Medical form 1017 (signed and stamped by doctor and my photo pasted in it (photo provided by me)) it is the same form which we got in email .and the passport first page (signed by doctor )along with the original invoice .
please note that the center was GYD daignostics in Hyderabad .
Thanks a lot for clarifying and helpful as always.
Plus for you ( can only give one

need to wait another 168 hrs)
P.S. I am travelling and there will be delay from my end
Adrenalineforu said:
Hi nmg and sorry for late reply.
I did not get any of the two above. No stamped IMM1017 form or the signed PP copy; why would we need them?
What I got was the Receipt-cum-Invoice for the medicals which is like a Tax Bill for the services I availed at the medical center which I was supposed to send to NDVO in Originals.
In fact, must tell you, the hospital had their own (badly printed) form similar to the format of IMM1017 with at least 15 another pages on the back of it that covers various medical conditions point-wise to be ticked Yes/No. This is the bunch where I signed at several places and wrote my name and this is the bunch that doctor is supposed to sign/stamp and send to NDVO from their end. This is how it is.
Regarding, signed copy of PP's first page, I cannot think of any use of this. They returned what is actually urs; makes no sense.
Best yet, I would like you to call your center (if not already) and clarify if you do need to send these two attachments as well along with original Receipt-cum-Invoice and other mandatory docs per MR email.
Also, pls mention which was your center (and city) just for the information of all.
p.s. I did not go to an e-Enabled center.