I have sent my app under NOC 2134. I 've attached 2 letters form my employers. My third job (and the first one in my career

) is from NOC 6221 (B category). And here I couldn't provide a reference letter as I was not able to contact that employer in any way. Probably does not exist anymore this branch. It was in UAE. So I've sent these two letters from 2134 and a job offer only from 6221. And now I am whole sweat from scared that maybe I should attache an explanation cover letter, that I was incapable of providing a reference letter. Anyway I do not involve this experience in my total work experience and I didn't count on additional points from 2 main reasons:
-- firstly: I do not have a reference letter,
--secondly: this is not a job related to Chemical Engineering (as it is Marketing and Sales Assistant),
--thirdly: even if I had such a letter - this would not change my overall points for Experience - still I would have more than 4 and less than 5 years of total experience.
Should I be worry, that I did not attache a cover letter to this job offer with suitable explanation. I thought, that CIC would find out it by themselves, that it was impossible for me to do so.

Someone could advice????