As per my understanding of the CIC or my guess on how they work, they are going to do following things:
1- They're going to open the applications reached till Friday last week from tomorrow [officially] and, not just 1 by one, they'll do it in batches. They'll check completeness and stuff and than put them where they needs to be [for CIO VO or back for delivery].
2- Successful applications from point 1 are not going to studies by VO in CIO the same week. He will start processing our applications next week [the ones that are passed]. He'll study the case, calculate the marks, and than another two things will happen. For >= 67 & successful completeness check including job duties, move ahead for charge, <67 back to courier.
3- The charge will than happen in another next week, and we might not get confirmation email in another week [though CC applicants would know from charge]
Meanwhile, the process [step 1 - 3] would have been started in cycle. But each week, they are going to do 1 thing untill sub-cap or overall cap is reached.
They are in no hurry to complete the process fast

All in all, I guess, the earliest time anyone should expect something, is going to be between 3 - 4 weeks. Also the trackers # of applications reached would reflects applications that were reached CIC at least 1-2 week before it was updated [on the web] and is not going to be real-time.