To All LVO applicants
After reading earlier CSE from JIgzy I also thought to inquire about mine, but I received a very generic email which I inquired 4 months back .
Please see the following, moreover maybe my case is handled by my lawyer that is why I have get this respond?
I sent following CSE on 19th Dec: Hi, I am FSW 2013 applicant and it's been over 150 days since my file received at London Visa Office after PER from CIO. How long is the average time it would be to hear from London Visa Office for any update? Thank you.
Response received on 20th Dec’13
Dear Madam / Sir,
This is in response to your enquiry.
Your application is in process or waiting to be reviewed by an immigration officer.No further action is required by you at this time.
Our office will contact the applicant when a decision has been made or if further information is required. Immigration decisions and information requests are sent by post or email to the addresses provided in the application.
We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.
Yours sincerely,
Client Service Unit (AMF)