ABHereICome for the
ChangeDetection link.
For those who want to follow it, here is a link to the
Change Log (you can of course create your own link)
Assuming this "ChangeDetection" website is correct, then it appears that the site have actually been updated several times, but the cap has never been updated, take a look of the screen shot below:

The above
Change Log suggest the site was actually last updated on
2013-05-11 at
08:56, not
2013-05-03 as indicated at the bottom, lower right of the site. Nevertheless, it wasn't any major change to the site on either dates.
ABHereICome said:
Dear fellow applicants, everyone is waiting for the CIC's counter updates, but if you don't want to press F5 on your browser for every 5 minutes, there is a website called www changedetection dot com that verifies it for you and send you an e-mail if something happens. I'm using it since I was waiting for the credentials dot gc dot ca to show the list of ECA institutions
Ok, but I still press F5 sometimes, just to check
I suspect that for there to still not be any update to the cap by now indicates that while CIC has already gotten more than 300 applications for each NOC category, they haven't processed/confirmed/counted 300
complete applications as yet. Until such time, I guess we (well, some of us) will continue to "monitor" the timelines and the caps.