daringnaren said:
Hi Nirav, Yes You may need to keep them posted on your job change since your file is still in process. Kindly contact the NDVO here,
https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/case-cas-eng.aspx?mission=new%20delhi good luck!!
I have this question -
The mail that I received from CHC states -
If there is a change in your personal circumstances, such as the birth of a child, a marriage or
divorce, you must advise this office (see address, fax number and email address below).
You must also inform us of any:
1. Change of address, including change of e-mail address;
2. Change of immigration representative;
3. Request for withdrawal of your application
..and the statement on the above link (Case Specific Enquiry page) says -
You wish to report important changes regarding your application, such as births, deaths, marriages, divorces, adoptions, changes in address,
changes in employment, acquisition of a new educational credential, results of an approved language test.
As you can see, the ones in bold-italics from latter are NOT covered as part of the mail received from CHC. Therefore, my questions are -
(a) should we intimate CHC if the primary applicant has changed his/her employment?
(b) is this also applicable for spouse of the primary applicant?
(c) Change of address implies permanent address only or temporary residence address too?
Specific to my case, I have started doing my PhD in Europe since last month. As a consequence of which all the above 3 (my employment, my spouse's employment and my temporary residence address) have changed. Please note that my permanent address (for mailing purpose) has NOT changed though.
Thanks in advance for the info!!