I too agree with AARDEE becasue who know whats going to happen .. Also there is no big rush of applications in all NOC's comparing with the intial 4-5 weeks when CIC started accepting applications (from 05-May).I just did a quick check(time pass

) to see the application trend for NOC 2147 and splitted the dates into rush period( from 08-May when first application for NOC 2147 received till 24-June when the last encashment happend) and non-rush period(from 24-June to till date).
So for ,
Rush period total 33 days excluding weekends and public holidays - Total 90 applications in the forum
Non Rush period total 60 days excluding weekends and public holidays - Total 44 applications in the forum ( more people may come and add to the forum later but just look at the current count only)
What I mean to say is that the application received count has dropped down to more than 73% comparing with the intial 4-5 weeks when the FSW 2013 opened.
So dont waste time, think positive and apply ASAP.. This message is to all(except the applicant's who's NOC cap already reached) who is thinking whether to apply this year or not.. Because its just matter of the courier charge and who know that the decision you are going to take now is going to change your complete life or not 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)