syham said:
Hi stranger, As per CIC they require minimum 1 year experience to apply in same NOC within last 10 years. But it is not mentioned anywhere on website, that applicant gets point for same NOC only.As per my information, Your total work experience is considered whether it would be from two or more different fields but same NOC experience should be at least 1 year in that experience. pls share your experience more on it.
Dear Shyam, Yes
As per CIC they require minimum 1 year experience to apply in same NOC within last 10 years. But they assign point for same NOC only. Last year my brother file got received NER just because of this fact, he had 6 year of experience but they considered only three year of current NOC only. Our consultant was also shocked about this and accordingly sent a mail to CIO for reassessment on the basis of above said fact by you that it is not mentioned anywhere on website, that applicant gets point for same NOC only. But no positive response from CIO. For ur reference I'm attaching details here for more clarity.
I have now completed the assessment of your application for a permanent resident visa as a skilled worker. I have determined that you do not meet the requirements for immigration to Canada.
Your application was assessed based on the occupation(s) in which you requested assessment. The table below sets out the points assessed for each of the selection criteria:
Points assessed Maximum
Age 10 10
Education 22 25
Official language proficiency 12 24
Arranged employment 0 10
Experience 17 21
Adaptability 5 10
TOTAL 66 100
You have obtained insufficient points to qualify for immigration to Canada, the minimum requirement being 67 points.
You were assigned 22 points for your Diploma in Mechanical Engineering educational credential.
You were assigned 12 points for your official language proficiency. This assessment was based upon the language results on file. No points were assigned for your second official language.
No points were assigned for arranged employment.
You were assigned 17 points for 2 year(s) work experience. The point assignment is based upon evidence of work experience with XXXXX Private Limited Company, as Technical Sales Advisor. No points were assigned for your work experience as NOC code 7216, Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades from July 2006 to August 2009 at XXXXX Traders Ltd because I was not satisfied, with the employment evidence you provided, that you performed the actions described in the lead statement for NOC code 7216, Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades, or that you performed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational description of the NOC, including all of the essential duties.You were assigned a total of 5 adaptability points for your spouse’s Masters educational credential.
No additional points were assigned for adaptability.
You have not obtained sufficient points to satisfy me that you will be able to become economically established in Canada.
Following an examination of your application, I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Act and the regulations for the reasons explained above. I am therefore refusing your application.
Note: Any different or new information that you submit cannot be taken into consideration.
Should you have different or additional information, you may wish to submit a new application. For up-to-date information on how to apply under the Federal Skilled Workers Class, please visit the website at:
There are many ways to immigrate to Canada. To learn more about your options, visit
Thank you for the interest you have shown in Canada.
Program Support Officer
Immigration Section
Case Processing Centre
Sydney, Nova Scotia"