Please find.
1. What should I write in asset and liabilities in question 11 of the form (schedule 3 economic classes)? Should I give the value of my house/land etc in asset? What is the liabilities of a person? Only lqudable assets need to show like, FDs, Share investment, Bank deposits, Bank certificate......
2. If I write the asset amount including my land and house value, do I need to send the supporting documents of land valuation?You need to show only liquidable assets...refer pt 1
3. If I give the notarized photocopies of the academic documents, birth certificates, marriage certificates instead of only photocopies (without notary), will it create any problem?Notarized pothocopies will not create any problem, where as it will make stronger effect that docs provided and true.
4. Besides Original documents (IELTS, WES ECA and police certificate), what documents I need to send original?no other docs
5. Is it must or optional to send copy of work contracts and pay stubs while everything written in the employment certificate?optional that is only for support..