hey guys....
well i sent them my police records in the application in the first place.. now they require a RCMP criminal record check... so ive done that with New scotland yard finger printing services... went through the website they asked me to refer to done all that .... first time round i sent everything except this time round they sent my forms back saying that they require a RCMP criminal record check... so went on the site again ... checked i have everything... but and a big butt.... it says if you apply for a perminent residence you pay a feee but... only a PR for foreign countries... but im applying to migrate to canada which there is no fee, but it asks me to still fill out the C216-c form with the embassy address whos handling my case and my personal details etc....
now here is the catch ...
both finger printing forms are the similar .... the C216-c form and the new scotland yard one.... the C216-c form belongs to the RCMP and scotland yard is uk the uk version is accepted but to it says if im based in canada i use the c216-c form for my finger prints if im outside of canada ( which I am ) ... the foriegn fingerprinting forms are accepted so long as the prints are rolled and flat impressions which they are ......
now .....
im applying to immigrate to canada so now i have to fill out the address and my personal details on the c216-c form. but ... my finger prints are still on the uk forms not on the c216-c form. soooooooooo.... im guessing here somehow they will transfer my fingerprints from my uk forms to the RCMP forms somehow...
would you agree? or has anyone gone through this before?
now this time around i do hope that they do not send back my papers at all because if they do then honestly i will give up because this is such a headache im married and cant even live a decent married life with my wife

it seems everyone else on here are getting through except me !