usman87 said:
@ zulkfal
I want to apply for the PHd in Engineering. Can you guide me which time of the year i can apply and how to secure funding?
Any help regarding research proposal if you can provide. Specifically i want to apply in Ontario.
Usman, Admission deadlines vary by universities but for majority of PhD's have admission deadlines B/W Dec-Jan. Choose 4-5 universities -Diversify this list on basis of your academic grades and GRE results i.e. U Waterloo will never offer you admission if you have less then 3.7 GPA during your undergrad and post grad. This requirement might be lower for admission to MA program.
Regarding funding, some universities have minimum level of guaranteed funding mean if they offer admission the applicant get guaranteed funding for $XXXXX amount for 2-4 years but for these universities admission are highly competitive and applicants have to meet admission and funding criteria. No rolling admission in these universities, mean it does not make a difference if applicants complete application is received 3 months before the deadline or on deadline, The grad committee will look at those apps after the deadline.
if you haven't wrote GRE then do so asap, look for following schools
Tier 1: ( For Eng only)
U Waterloo, McGill, U of Toronto, U of Western Ontario, Queens U, U Calgary
Tier 2:
U Alberta, UBC, York U, SFU, Concordia
Tier 3:
Reyrson U, McMaster U, U Manitoba, U Ottawa, Dalhousie, Windsor
Tier 4:
U of New Brunswick, Memorial, Carleton
PM me if any u have further questions.