Ok guys this is an upgrade on my IQAS, I received last week and they also sent it to CGA (Certified General Accountant Association) and those guys gave me list of courses I need to take before start my certification, I want to share this with you guys:
First Student Fee : $745 per year and this includes:
1.- Get access to over 170 jobs on CGA's exclusive job board for students and members only.
2.- Put Student in the CGA Program of Professional Studies on your resume and get the credibility that will lead to the job offers you desire.
3.- Be invited to exclusive networking events!
4.- Keep transfer credits and don't be affected by program changes
5.- CGA Member & Student Perks.
Then the courses:
1.- Law 1
2.- Communications 1
3.- Business Case 1 – Accounting
4.- Auditing 1
5.- Business Case 2 – Auditing
6.- Taxation 1
Each course cost in average $680 CAD plus books
After pass all this courses, then I can start to do the designation and this is:
1.- Prof. Applications 1 $1,195
2.- Management Info Systems 2 $1,180
3.- Finance 2 $1,180
How long is going to take this? I don't know yet, so far I'll wait until January when my benefit from the University starts so I can see how many courses I can studied for free and then I'll decide.