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Fourth draw predictions


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Nov 1, 2011
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I'm not trying to reduce any competition, I'm Canadian who has lived in the US and the UK - both far more advanced than Canada. I invite you guys, please check out the settlement section.

Please don't trust UN rankings, it means nothing- come see Canada for yourself. There is not a single Canadian city which has public transportation as good a Europe nor does Canada have freeways which are at the standard of US interstate, German AutoBahn or UK motorways. Canadian cities are decaying run down and governments do not know how to fix the infrastructure issues. I am sure Africa has better roads than Montreal or Edmonton, and Toronto is in a perpetual state of traffic congestion.

I've seen story after story and met in my personal life highly qualified top immigrants whose skills are wasted in Canada as employers simply don't recognize them and the market is not large enough to handle them.

Our company has been hiring and you are told to apply online, still we get very desperate and depressed immigrants and even White Canadians come in with their resumes on brutal cold winter days begging to talk to someone in HR about the position.

Quebec- has no economy, Ontario has been finished for quite some time as companies are leaving, the Martime provinces are poor, Alberta - finished (capital costs of oil sands project are very very high, oil is not coming back to $100 and plus U.S is buying less as they have so much oil in the Balkans) Sask - finished (and brutally cold , you wouldn't want to live there) Manitoba- LOL. BC -ok but again the cost of living is going to be very high and plus LNG projects are not moving forward.

So there you have it. Check out the country before you move and quit your job, I only see immigrants who have never been to Canada brag about it, when they get here and are living in some basement and standing in -30C waiting for the bus their minds change.

Canada is great if you are a refugee escaping war or a TFW who wants to work at McDonalds. However, for highly qualified professional immigrants it is a nightmare.


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Nov 1, 2011
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Vegreville Alberta
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YamPower said:
Which G7/G8 country is more advanced than Canada? France? Italy? :eek: :-\

According to the UNDP, Canada is ranked 8th in the world in the Human Development Index.

And which developing country has better cities than Canada?

For 2014/2015 global competitiveness, Canada ranks 15th out of 144 countries for Infrastructure, 8th out of 144 for financial market efficiency, and 14/144 for Institutions.
All of them are more advanced.

Come see the infrastructure, in Montreal the roads are crumbling and the same thing is happening in every major city.

Well I would say Beruit, Kuala Lampur, Amman, Dubai, Kuwait city etc..I mean Canadian cities are cold, dirty, and full of run down buildings - almost any city is bettter. Winnipeg is the ugliest city I have ever seen.

Man you need to go to Canada first before you get all excited about it, it's a dump.


Champion Member
Jan 13, 2015
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Canada is a dump? That is literally the first time I've ever heard/read that.


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Hey there mate,

I have no way of telling whether or not what you are saying is true, but based on your point of view, it seems you don't like it there very much.

Maybe you should move out of Canada? Might be better for you.

At any rate, thank you for your input.

AAL1984 said:
All of them are more advanced.

Come see the infrastructure, in Montreal the roads are crumbling and the same thing is happening in every major city.

Well I would say Beruit, Kuala Lampur, Amman, Dubai, Kuwait city etc..I mean Canadian cities are cold, dirty, and full of run down buildings - almost any city is bettter. Winnipeg is the ugliest city I have ever seen.

Man you need to go to Canada first before you get all excited about it, it's a dump.


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May 4, 2012
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i agree @AAL1984 US is far better. US has better infrastructure and opportunities understandably as it has more population and better economy. logistic is a nightmare in canada. I also agree canadian recruiters dont know who to hire. they are a bunch of checklist users.
only problem is the immigration in US which is more difficult hence Canada was better now if they take that away there is nothing left in canada for students.


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Nov 1, 2011
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Vegreville Alberta
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I understand I probably sound like a troll, but really I am not. I am just seeing this country decay from the inside out, it's not fair to highly educated immigrants and it's not fair to the people here either. I think a lot of false info is given about Canada and I am just trying to give people some real info.

Ok please just read this and do your research, that's all I am saying. Please read link and check out settlement section.



Hero Member
Aug 20, 2013
London, ON
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Hmm. Interesting discussion. I think AAL1984 is being too harsh on Canada, although some of his points are quite valid. I too have experience of working in UK and across Europe. And I have to agree that at least technologically, there is a big difference between Canada and some of the developed countries in Europe. For example, when I arrived in Canada, I was shocked to find that Roaming charges still apply in Canada :p, a thing of the past in European countries. This is just one example.

However, I wouldn`t go on to say Canada is a dump. This country has got its own attractions, a different life style and the main cities are actually quite well-developed. There is a reason why several Canadian cities are featured among top 10 in the world for living.


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Oct 13, 2011
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AAL1984 said:
I'm not trying to reduce any competition, I'm Canadian who has lived in the US and the UK - both far more advanced than Canada. I invite you guys, please check out the settlement section.

Please don't trust UN rankings, it means nothing- come see Canada for yourself. There is not a single Canadian city which has public transportation as good a Europe nor does Canada have freeways which are at the standard of US interstate, German AutoBahn or UK motorways. Canadian cities are decaying run down and governments do not know how to fix the infrastructure issues. I am sure Africa has better roads than Montreal or Edmonton, and Toronto is in a perpetual state of traffic congestion.

I've seen story after story and met in my personal life highly qualified top immigrants whose skills are wasted in Canada as employers simply don't recognize them and the market is not large enough to handle them.

Our company has been hiring and you are told to apply online, still we get very desperate and depressed immigrants and even White Canadians come in with their resumes on brutal cold winter days begging to talk to someone in HR about the position.

Quebec- has no economy, Ontario has been finished for quite some time as companies are leaving, the Martime provinces are poor, Alberta - finished (capital costs of oil sands project are very very high, oil is not coming back to $100 and plus U.S is buying less as they have so much oil in the Balkans) Sask - finished (and brutally cold , you wouldn't want to live there) Manitoba- LOL. BC -ok but again the cost of living is going to be very high and plus LNG projects are not moving forward.

So there you have it. Check out the country before you move and quit your job, I only see immigrants who have never been to Canada brag about it, when they get here and are living in some basement and standing in -30C waiting for the bus their minds change.

Canada is great if you are a refugee escaping war or a TFW who wants to work at McDonalds. However, for highly qualified professional immigrants it is a nightmare.

Exactly, you have lived in countries that are far more advanced to Canada (your words). Now imagine how we feel about Canada. I come from India. I will give you an example. Had I graduated from a school in India and worked as an entry level tech guy there, on my salary I would have had to share an apartment with 4 other guys, travel atleast an hour in crowded and sweaty conditions. Savings would be 10% a month which would amount to say 4000 dollars a year. Which isn't a lot.

Buying my own apartment was basically out of the question. In contrast, on entry level salary in Toronto I live in downtown in a decently posh condo, lead a good life and still am able to save 40% of my salary. So there you go, for someone who is emigrating from their own country Canada is n^x times better.


Hero Member
Aug 20, 2013
London, ON
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I`ll also agree with mead about the point related to logistics. Countries in Europe are really well-connected and travel is also very cheap. I only speak of Europe because I have never been to US, so can`t say anything there.


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May 4, 2012
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praneet87 said:
Exactly, you have lived in countries that are far more advanced to Canada (your words). Now imagine how we feel about Canada. I come from India. I will give you an example. Had I graduated from a school in India and worked as an entry level tech guy there, on my salary I would have had to share an apartment with 4 other guys, travel atleast an hour in crowded and sweaty conditions. Savings would be 10% a month which would amount to say 4000 dollars a year. Which isn't a lot.

Buying my own apartment was basically out of the question. In contrast, on entry level salary in Toronto I live in downtown in a decently posh condo, lead a good life and still am able to save 40% of my salary. So there you go, for someone who is emigrating from their own country Canada is n^x times better.
agreed only thing is ur immigrating to canada cause it was easy to do so. now if it becomes difficult then all countries are the same to immigrate so then why will u go to canada why wont u choose US or UK or anyother country better than india for example. one of the most attractive point about canada was its easy immigration policy. if they take that away there is nothing left.


Hero Member
Nov 1, 2011
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Vegreville Alberta
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Nov 2012
Australia is pretty remote, Alaska is just as remote as Canada if not more - still better cell phone plans. Cellphones are just a small example, Canadians are ripped off on every kind of product - anyone who has been shopping in the U.S knows how badly Canadians are ripped off, it's gouging plain and simple.


Hero Member
Nov 1, 2011
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Vegreville Alberta
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Nov 2012
praneet87 said:
Exactly, you have lived in countries that are far more advanced to Canada (your words). Now imagine how we feel about Canada. I come from India. I will give you an example. Had I graduated from a school in India and worked as an entry level tech guy there, on my salary I would have had to share an apartment with 4 other guys, travel atleast an hour in crowded and sweaty conditions. Savings would be 10% a month which would amount to say 4000 dollars a year. Which isn't a lot.

Buying my own apartment was basically out of the question. In contrast, on entry level salary in Toronto I live in downtown in a decently posh condo, lead a good life and still am able to save 40% of my salary. So there you go, for someone who is emigrating from their own country Canada is n^x times better.
Hey Dude sounds like you are doing good, good for you.

I wasn't really talking to people like you, looks like you are already well set.

My target was for the engineer in Turkey or doctor working in India or Malaysia etc..people abroad with families etc who are thinking of coming and thinking Canada is some sort of magical paradise with dancing elves and jobs.
Not true.


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May 4, 2012
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AAL1984 said:
Australia is pretty remote, Alaska is just as remote as Canada if not more - still better cell phone plans. Cellphones are just a small example, Canadians are ripped off on every kind of product - anyone who has been shopping in the U.S knows how badly Canadians are ripped off, it's gouging plain and simple.
true but the reason for that is logistic .....cities are spread wide in canada and market/population is less hence higher cost for products. canada needs population and better infrastructure.