Thanks, so I would write it as below:The LOE should be as short and brief as possible. You only need to say what and where, not why. Don't include any statements that are not %100 truthful or any facts that you are not %100 sure about. Do not use evasive language and never downplay any facts or state your opinion about things. The explanation should not read like a story but rather like a report, i.e. instead of writing "When I was 13 years old my family took me to Canada ..etc" it's better to write "In 2003 I was included in an application for refugee protection in Canada. I was 13 years old at the time."
If the officer has concerns they will come back to you with their questions, do not try to guess what they might want to know and then unnecessarily volunteer this information in advance before they ask.
Also, It is perfectly okay to say that you don't remember things when asked or that you haven't documented what happened with regards to any events that happened in your childhood.
In 2003 I was included in an application for refugee protection in Canada. I was 13 years old at the time. The case was rejected three years later in 2006 and we returned back to the U.S and then to our home country.
In the application my birth name was used which was "Sample full name" I have changed my name to Juanita Santos which will be found on all of the documents that I submit. I have also attached a notorized affidavit regarding the change of name from "Sample full name" to Juanita Santos.
Some questions:
1) I would like to confirm if in the LOE I should also state my date of birth as it was incorrect within the application so I was really 12 at the time? And if so I can mention it where I mention the change in name and if I do this should the affidavit also have something about the change in the date as well?
2) I would not mention and information regarding the change in name of my parents within the LOE, and I would not mention that I do not have any documents and such from the time period available.
Please let me know what you think.
Thanks in advance