Hello fellow forumists,
I would really appreciate your answers on something,
I submitted my application for PR through Express Entry, I received ITA on 16th November 2016, and submitted the application on 23rd January 2017. However I think I may have done a big mistake by forgetting to upload the ECA report given to us by WES. Me and my husband both have M.S degrees from US and BE degrees from India. We have gotten the M.S evaluated by WES and the report numbers are logged in the express entry profile that we created. However I did not scan the report and attach it with the supporting documents, I did upload the BE and MS degree certificates though. We also explained that we have this ECA report evaluated already in the Letter of Explanation. Because we are still waiting for my husband's WES evaluation for his BE degree and we wrote that in the letter.
I would be interested in knowing your experience, if you forgot any document, is the system forgiving, do they contact you and ask for it?
Looking forward to hear from everyone,
Thank you.
- A worried soul

I would really appreciate your answers on something,
I submitted my application for PR through Express Entry, I received ITA on 16th November 2016, and submitted the application on 23rd January 2017. However I think I may have done a big mistake by forgetting to upload the ECA report given to us by WES. Me and my husband both have M.S degrees from US and BE degrees from India. We have gotten the M.S evaluated by WES and the report numbers are logged in the express entry profile that we created. However I did not scan the report and attach it with the supporting documents, I did upload the BE and MS degree certificates though. We also explained that we have this ECA report evaluated already in the Letter of Explanation. Because we are still waiting for my husband's WES evaluation for his BE degree and we wrote that in the letter.
I would be interested in knowing your experience, if you forgot any document, is the system forgiving, do they contact you and ask for it?
Looking forward to hear from everyone,
Thank you.
- A worried soul