I need urgent help from you. I applied under PhD stream and I am in 3rd year. For evidence of education, I only submitted the ECA report by WES. But I did not send my Msc degree degree certificate or transcript that I got from my country (Bangladesh).
I thought WES already got my certificate and transcript and they evaluated my degree so it was enough to proof my degree. But IMM7000 says,
For your application to be considered complete you must include evidence of a completed
Canadian secondary or post-secondary educational credential OR a completed foreign
educational credential AND an original ECA report from an organization designated by CIC
indicating the authenticity and equivalency of your completed foreign educational credential(s) to
completed Canadian educational credential(s).
Is it a big problem for claiming point? I did not add foreign
educational credential with my WES report.
Please suggest friends.
My application reached NS office on November 17, 2014. I already resend my foreign
educational credential in another envelop with a letter of explanation What do you think? Is it okay? Wd they add with my application after receiving.
My credit card still not charged and I have no file number .
I need urgent help from you. I applied under PhD stream and I am in 3rd year. For evidence of education, I only submitted the ECA report by WES. But I did not send my Msc degree degree certificate or transcript that I got from my country (Bangladesh).
I thought WES already got my certificate and transcript and they evaluated my degree so it was enough to proof my degree. But IMM7000 says,
For your application to be considered complete you must include evidence of a completed
Canadian secondary or post-secondary educational credential OR a completed foreign
educational credential AND an original ECA report from an organization designated by CIC
indicating the authenticity and equivalency of your completed foreign educational credential(s) to
completed Canadian educational credential(s).
Is it a big problem for claiming point? I did not add foreign
educational credential with my WES report.
Please suggest friends.
My application reached NS office on November 17, 2014. I already resend my foreign
educational credential in another envelop with a letter of explanation What do you think? Is it okay? Wd they add with my application after receiving.
My credit card still not charged and I have no file number .