Can_US said:
Thank you Sita1987
I might be wrong. I am trying to understand why WES evaluate 2-yr MBA as Masters degree but not 2-yr MSc.
Many members got MBA as Masters evaluation without even sending Bachelor degree for evaluation. You know in India MBA is possible after BSc, BCom or BA. In effect it means Bachelor degree does not matter for Masters evaluation by WES in case of MBA.
For Both cases the Total no. of yrs of study is same right from school to MSc. I am wondering why then the difference in assessment between MSc and MBA
MSc has thesis or project work like MBA. MSc has industry visits like MBA.
Very few persons who does MBA pursues PhD. But some MSc degree holders will pursue PhD. We all know admission to PhD is not possible with BSc degree. Only someone with MSc (or MPhil) can get admission to PhD.
Therefore MSc cannot be a 1-yr graduate study after BSc if someone is going for PhD whereas MBA is evaluated as Masters by WES
I am totally with you on this..In fact in my many mails/queries to WES I have very clearly pointed this anomaly to them. I have given them so many examples of my classmates and even juniors who are currently pursuing PHDs from renowned univ in US and Canada. Even their is a scholarship program by the Gov of Quebec in association with my university for PHD programs in Canada...for which MSc degree from India is the qualifying criteria! But to no avail, WES does not give specific replies to such queries only standard blanket replies which give us no answer.
I feel it is high time CIC steps in and ensures that the agencies it lists in its own website for ECA follow some uniformity and gives similar ECA for similar kinds of degrees. Until then we will suffer at their hands.
I just saw some new information in the CIC website:
"Express Entry education factor
University degree at the Doctoral (PhD) level
University degree at the Master’s level
Professional degree needed to practice in a licensed profession
Two or more certificates, diplomas, or degrees.
Important notice: One must be for a program of three or more years.
ECA assessment results:
A three-year or more certificate, diploma, or degree
PLUS any of the results in the sections below (not including secondary/high school), or:
Post-Bachelor's Certificate
Post-undergraduate certificateFootnote 1
Post-Bachelor's Diploma
Post-undergraduate diplomaFootnote 1
Graduate Certificate
Graduate Certificate with a focus in [area of concentration]Footnote 1
Postgraduate certificate
Postgraduate Diploma
Graduate Diploma with a focus in [area of concentration]Footnote 1
Graduate diplomaFootnote 1
two-year Postgraduate Diploma, specializing in [name of discipline]
two-year Bachelor’s after degree with a focus in [area of concentration]Footnote 1
one-year Postgraduate Certificate in [name of discipline]
one-year of graduate study with a focus in [area of concentration]Footnote 1
Study Toward a Master's Degree
Footnote 1
Note that this equivalency assessment outcome applies to reports issued by either the “International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES), British Columbia Institute of Technology” or the “International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS), Government of Alberta.” These designated organizations indicate outcomes in English only."
So now it means and ECA from ICES or IQAS stating "one year graduate study with a focus in XYZ" can claim points for two or more post-secondary degree. !! But same assessment from WES is equal to zero points