Thank you so much for your help guys. I was wondering if you could help me with question 13 as I am very lost and worried if I answered correctly or not. Question 13 states: Tell us about all immigration statuses you have ever held. So the way I've answered the question is that I've listed ALL residence visas I ever had(I grew up in the UAE) using the actual issue and expiry dates on the visa documents.
Question 13 also wants me to list temporary visitor statuses I've ever had(visitor visas). For that I've listed all dates of travel for status obtained/effective and end dates I had with any visitor visas.
I've included a letter of explanation stating:
"please note I've used issue and expiry dates listed on the visa for residence visas and ive used travel dates for temporary visitor visas. Please don't confuse these dates with my travel history as this is meant to show visitor statuses and not travel history. Please also note for information before I turned 18, I've tried my best to obtain all immigration statuses to the best of my knowledge and this has been done on a best effort basis using old travel documents and interviewing my parents. Please note that this information is an approximation. Please contact me if more information is required"
I hope I approached this question correctly and I hope IRCC doesn't think I lied about my travel history. Please guys feel free to share your thoughts as i am worried about this. I haven't submitted my application yet.