sonyji said:
I just called today immigration office and they said I am eligible as they had received application on 2010 and even i became PR on 2012 ( it says doesnt matter when u become PR) but as long as the applicaiton is received before march 2012 -5 year sponsor ship bar doesnt apply) I am so happy...
MY sponsor divorced me as it took me me 2 years to reach here and he had an affair,...Anyways now am free so i am elgible to marry again and my divorce certificate is coming next month......
They gave you the wrong information.
"were previously sponsored as a spouse , common-law or conjugal partner and became a permanent resident of Canada
less than 5 years ago,"
Five-year requirement
(3) A sponsor who became a permanent resident after being sponsored as a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner under subsection 13(1) of the Act may not sponsor a foreign national referred to in subsection (1) as a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, unless the sponsor
(a) has been a permanent resident for a period of at least five years immediately preceding the day on which a sponsorship application referred to in paragraph 130(1)(c) is filed by the sponsor in respect of the foreign national; or
(b) has become a Canadian citizen during the period of five years immediately preceding the day referred to in paragraph (a) and had been a permanent resident from at least the beginning of that period until the day on which the sponsor became a Canadian citizen.
The amendment, which came into force on March 2, 2012 upon registration, bars a previously-sponsored spouse or partner, from sponsoring a new spouse or partner within five years of becoming a PR even if the sponsor acquired citizenship during that period. Other members of the family class will not be affected by the regulatory changes.
Scenarios for previously sponsored spouses/partners:
Date of Sponsorship Application Eligibility to sponsor
Sponsorship application received prior to regulatory amendment coming into force Not subject to the 5-year sponsorship bar regardless of date sponsor became a PR
Sponsorship application received on or following the day the regulatory amendment came into force Subject to the 5-year sponsorship bar
So you can't sponsor until 2017.