Hi guys!
First of all thanks for your support in this forum, it is an invaluable help
As the cap for CEC aplications are running pretty tight for some of the NOCs (including mine...) I am already trying to sort things out (filling documents, gathering documents and information,...) It is quite possible I don´t get my required work experience on time, and I am afraid that due to over representation of aplicants in my field, they would just completely cap my NOC for the next year (or who knows whatever could happen) so I ask for your help as to figure out what would be the first day I am entitled to apply under CEC given the following experience times in a full time (40h) skilled NOC B profession.
April 15th 2013-Dec 11th 2013
Jan 27th 2014-On going and probably until Aug 2014
So I am confused as how would they count my experience and what would be the first possible day to send my aplication, I have calculated it would be Saturday May 31st, if I am right could I send it that very same day? or next day Sunday June 1st? even if it is sunday?. I would very much appreciate any help on this matter
Have a great weekend! 
First of all thanks for your support in this forum, it is an invaluable help
As the cap for CEC aplications are running pretty tight for some of the NOCs (including mine...) I am already trying to sort things out (filling documents, gathering documents and information,...) It is quite possible I don´t get my required work experience on time, and I am afraid that due to over representation of aplicants in my field, they would just completely cap my NOC for the next year (or who knows whatever could happen) so I ask for your help as to figure out what would be the first day I am entitled to apply under CEC given the following experience times in a full time (40h) skilled NOC B profession.
April 15th 2013-Dec 11th 2013
Jan 27th 2014-On going and probably until Aug 2014
So I am confused as how would they count my experience and what would be the first possible day to send my aplication, I have calculated it would be Saturday May 31st, if I am right could I send it that very same day? or next day Sunday June 1st? even if it is sunday?. I would very much appreciate any help on this matter