I'de like first to thank you for this informative forum. I truly attribute a lot of my knowledge to the members here.
I have a doubt regarding the first name. I have an Arabic name and the way they do it in this part of the world is they combine first name, father's and grandfather's name all together. So in my passport it's formatted as following:
Name: First Name + Father's + Grandfather's
Last Name: Grandfather's name
I know this way may seem odd in the west, but they follow this tradition here so that they are able to trace one's ancestors.
The question is should I type my first name in the EE application as my given name only or should I type it as per the passport (First+father's+Grandfather's). My birth certificate does distinguish between given name and father's.
I'de like first to thank you for this informative forum. I truly attribute a lot of my knowledge to the members here.
I have a doubt regarding the first name. I have an Arabic name and the way they do it in this part of the world is they combine first name, father's and grandfather's name all together. So in my passport it's formatted as following:
Name: First Name + Father's + Grandfather's
Last Name: Grandfather's name
I know this way may seem odd in the west, but they follow this tradition here so that they are able to trace one's ancestors.
The question is should I type my first name in the EE application as my given name only or should I type it as per the passport (First+father's+Grandfather's). My birth certificate does distinguish between given name and father's.