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FINGERPRINTS REQUEST, CIC's new delaying tactic?


Hero Member
May 30, 2015
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Paukman said:
My case is similar.
Application received in October 25th 2013
Process started January 22nd 2014
Fingerprints requested April 2nd 2014.

I called them to check weather they have received it, and yes they have.
No change when I check status online, still "in process".
My colleague from work had similar story, and she got her test date aprox. 6 months after fingerprints request (last year)
All this is in Calgary.
Hello Paukman,
That's a very long time waiting. My PR renewal took over 17 months, no fingerprint request but additional docs (copies of passport pages). I called and got confirmation they received the requested documents. Finally i took a chance, filled out a change of address form online to change only my phone number and within 10 days after the change request, i got my PR card in the mail. Sometimes applications are shelved and ignored. So maybe just try that....someone may look at your file and resume processing. Best wishes!!


Star Member
Mar 18, 2015
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Hello good people,

I checked my online status today and guess what. I got "Decision Made" . Yaaaaay. I am so happy. My long trip is almost over. I wish the best of luck for everyone.

I will keep you posted.



Nov 26, 2016
I applied in October 2, 2016, and last week they sent me for fingerprint. I wonder when they ask for fingerprint that mean they already did a search or they are welling to do the search?? and the search they do internationally or locally??. how they do that? I used to travel every where before I came to Canada, does it affect the search?....please any answers?


Hero Member
Feb 8, 2009
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jwmai said:
Do they require physical fingerprints or am I able to use one of their electronic options. I do not believe it is stated in the request email. Reason I'm asking is because when I went into RCMP for finger prints, I had to request physical version because the FBI only accepts physical prints. RCMP did not do a very good job because my initial set (2 copies) were both denied by the FBI as not legible. I am looking avoid the hassle and added costs and hope they accept the electronic version. Can anyone chime in on their experiences?

Thank you
how FBI come into the picture for Canada level FP request? I also got FP for my citizenship application.
Oct 20, 2016
Jee786 said:
Not sure in this forum people act like CIC and CANADA owe something to them. People should appreciate to CIC what they are doing. CIC should ask fingerprints for all 11 or 10 (00) fingers from everyone. Doesn't matter it takes 2 years or 20.
just think before you write 2 or 20 means a lot OK .


Star Member
Aug 18, 2014
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I had to get Child and Adult sex registry report and Police background check for my licensing and also had to go through RCMP background check for my PAL license. I'm wondering if those who got PAL before citizenship application got fingerprint request when they applied for citizenship.

wakil khan

Full Member
Jun 3, 2016
Dear sir

I received letter today for fingerprints so can any one reply if it's gonna affect my app n if I do my fingerprints today when the rcmp will send the results and when can I get the letter for test invite


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
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wakil khan said:
Dear sir

I received letter today for fingerprints so can any one reply if it's gonna affect my app n if I do my fingerprints today when the rcmp will send the results and when can I get the letter for test invite
No effect. But it's depends if on the letter it's toronto St. Clair office then it will be delay 1 to 3 months.


Hero Member
Dec 20, 2013
is it possible for applicant's to give fingerprint certification with the application itself before asking so that it won't cause delays?


VIP Member
May 25, 2011
wakil khan said:
Dear sir

I received letter today for fingerprints so can any one reply if it's gonna affect my app n if I do my fingerprints today when the rcmp will send the results and when can I get the letter for test invite
The application is now non-routine which means there could or may be delay in terms of processing of the application (may be couple of months) however depends upon case to case.


VIP Member
May 25, 2011
subha_1962 said:
is it possible for applicant's to give fingerprint certification with the application itself before asking so that it won't cause delays?
Not everyone gets fingerprint request. Why do you want to create unnecessary hassle and raise CIC's eyebrows. Send what is only asked for.
If fingerprints/additional documents are requested later, it may delay the application a bit but if everything is in order, the process will complete.


VIP Member
Dec 18, 2015
subha_1962 said:
is it possible for applicant's to give fingerprint certification with the application itself before asking so that it won't cause delays?
Rule No 1,2 and 3: Never ever volunteer information that is not asked of you.


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
subha_1962 said:
is it possible for applicant's to give fingerprint certification with the application itself before asking so that it won't cause delays?
I concur in the observation made by thecoolguysam.

It warrants emphasizing that the vast majority of applications are routinely processed, which includes NO FP requests.

It also warrants noting that there are various reasons for FP requests, and it appears that many if not most are related to verification of identity or to clearly distinguish the applicant from someone else with a similar name, in which cases the amount of delay tends to be minimal. In contrast, there are some reasons for FP requests related to more complicated inquiries. If, for example, the FP request is related to security concerns involving something more substantial than the usual background screening, that could be connected to inquiries which can cause significantly longer delays . . . but if this is the situation, having submitted the FP upfront is not likely to reduce the length of delays because of this.

In other words, there is very little to be gained by submitting FPs with the application. So why risk including something which could draw additional, unnecessary attention?


Hero Member
Sep 22, 2016
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dpenabill said:
I concur in the observation made by thecoolguysam.

It warrants emphasizing that the vast majority of applications are routinely processed, which includes NO FP requests.

It also warrants noting that there are various reasons for FP requests, and it appears that many if not most are related to verification of identity or to clearly distinguish the applicant from someone else with a similar name, in which cases the amount of delay tends to be minimal. In contrast, there are some reasons for FP requests related to more complicated inquiries. If, for example, the FP request is related to security concerns involving something more substantial than the usual background screening, that could be connected to inquiries which can cause significantly longer delays . . . but if this is the situation, having submitted the FP upfront is not likely to reduce the length of delays because of this.

In other words, there is very little to be gained by submitting FPs with the application. So why risk including something which could draw additional, unnecessary attention?
Very well said. Thank you.