What Asivad said was excellent, a neutrally realistic view of things.
I am also in the IT field (more into Telecom, NOC2147) and having extreme doubts regarding adapting to Canada especially when it comes to finding a job; however, that bridge is to be crossed when it is reached.
I can also add in a testimony from a friend of mine who moved to Canada 3+ years ago as an IT Manager, which I can summarize as follows:
1- Each person who moved to Canada has his own story, quick success, slow success, struggling, or perhaps even giving up and returning back home. The friend of mine has a few relatives there who had went before him, one was a doctor who was forced to work as a medic, another is working as a taxi driver while a third just gave up and returned home.
2- It is better to be specialised rather than be a "Joker card", he has another friend who just works with Informatica, 10+ years experience and he still finds work (from what I understood he is a freelancer).
3- The friend also struggled to find a job because all demanded Canadian experience (for managerial posts, for technical work, they generally do not care, a Solaris machine functions similarly whether in Canada or the Himalaya mountains !!) and he ended up accepting a job where he does work that he used to do 4-5 years ago. He told me that for managers/supervisors jobs are hard without Canadian experience while for regular technical work, it is easier and the great thing is that you do not really need to become a manager to "advance", when you are called a "Senior Software Engineer" for example, it really makes a difference unlike where I come from, he has a friend there who makes 80$ an hour for 10 years experience with *nix systems .... So it really depends on the person..
4- Finding jobs depends on "Networking" which is a nice way of saying that you most likely need referrals and/or contacts... many if not most of the jobs posted online are already filled through referrals and are only posted because companies are legally obliged or something while there are even lots of jobs that are not listed and filled before a need to rises.
N.B.: What I stated applies to the IT field, I am not sure if it is the same for others...
Most immigrants are initially in the same boat, I was tense about it before and now even more tense with the "crash" of Oil and with it the CAD, but I see Canada as something worth a shot; however, being an extremely rational person I have set up the following "safemode plan" that I intend to follow:
a- Once I get the visa stamped and CoPR, I will purchase a Fongo number (check Play store and Apple store for it) and my friend suggested I use his address and update the latter two into my resume and begin applying for every online posting that I see fit, the reaction that I may or may not get would give me some insight into my possible chances in Canada or perhaps even get lucky and land a job before landing there as the recruiters in IT mostly are open to Skype interviews with a minority that insists on face to face ones (my friend told me that), even if I fail to get something, the interviews experience would be helpful.
b- This point I am still unsure of, I may land for a month and look for a job and if unsuccessful return to my current one or just move fully, I am still uncertain and perhaps the results of point a would push me one way or another.
c- The backup plan is to have enough funds that allow for a year of studies there (the drop of the CAD could prove beneficial for this) while doing any kind of part-time work to cover basic expenses, not only would a Canadian degree/diploma make a person more desirable to employers, but also if one returns to the fact that "Networking" is essential for finding a job in Canada, colleges and universities are one of the best places to build a network of contacts.
d- Remember, everyday you spend in Canada brings you closer to citizenship which will eventually make you more desirable for the world wide job market but even if you travel abroad for work, DO NOT FORGET TO PAY TAX !!
Sorry for the long post and blabbering, but I thought I should share what I know and what my plan is, maybe some can benefit from me or benefit me with advice that could correct my views on this.